Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

We're off to the Cabin for Christmas

Front Road in the Snow We're heading to Montana this afternoon. Thanks God United now flies directly to Missoula from Denver. It used to be a real fiasco - Denver to Salt Lake (1 hour), two hour layover and then another hour to Missoula. Now it's an easy 1 1/2 hour flight.

It's been a long time since I visited the cabin during the Winter (1996) and even longer since I spent Christmas there (more than 10 years ago). I can't fricken wait. We might have to hike in because my parent's Subaru won't be able to make it all the way (they left it at the airport for us). Julie is terrified. I talked to my parents last night and my Dad broke trail in his '65 Ford, so at least they made it all the way up the road. When we were kids, we had a '73 Toyota Landcruiser that would go through almost any amount of snow. We rarely had enough money to get our 3 mile road plowed out, so it was always a gamble on whether we could drive in or not. The road was usually drivable until about mid-December, and then the snow accumulated too much for the poor ol' Landcruiser.

Up until we could no longer drive, my Dad used to wind that thing up like you wouldn't believe. The Landcruiser, as we affectionately called it, would easily get up around 9000 RPM. All four tires would have chains on them and snow would be flying 10 feet high off all four tires. My sister would be sitting in the middle of the front seats, and I'd be sitting on my Mom's lap. The Landcruiser was a soft top, so it was pretty damn cold and the heater sucked, but that used to be the best carnival ride there was. We were all terrified we wouldn't make it and my Dad was determined to get home, even if it killed the Landcruiser. He wasn't gonna let some piddly little 2 feet of snow keep him from driving home.

We all hated the 1 1/2 mile walk to "the Bus Stop," but when the snow got to be too much, we had walk or ski it. This lasted most of the Winter. This was a real pain when we'd just returned from Missoula and we had to pack all the groceries in on backpacks. But there were times when this walk was truly majestic. When there was a full moon and enough snow to ski. It is truly one of the most beautiful sites - snow everywhere and beautiful fields and trees basked in the warm brilliant light of the moon. All you can hear is the swish-swish of your cross-country skis. It is then that all your worries subside and the world become a perfect place - even if only for the 30 minutes you're on the trail.

Posted in General at Dec 21 2003, 08:46:47 AM MST Add a Comment

AppFuse 1.2 Released!

This is primarily a bug fix release. Here are the details from the release notes:

  • Backed out Http Post for Remember Me. It was not redirecting user to the page they originally requested. Using reponse.sendRedirect does send the user to the proper location. Turned on password encryption (SHA) to protect any passwords that end up in log files. Turned off encryption in Tomcat.
  • Changed configuration parameters in servlet context to be in a hashmap.
  • Improvements to StrutsGen tool to generate list screen as well and to fill in more missing elements.
  • Changed to close Hibernate session when object not found in BaseDAOHibernate.
  • Fixed bug in when creating a new user, role defaults to "tomcat" regardless of what the user chooses.
  • Dependent packages upgraded:
    • Hibernate 2.1.1
    • Struts Menu 2.1
    • WebTest Build 379

Download (~11.9 MB for src, ~4.3 MB for bin) or View Release Notes.

For more information on AppFuse, check out the AppFuse Wiki Page or FAQ.

Posted in Java at Dec 21 2003, 08:07:27 AM MST